Field Work/Research Grant Conditions

The Society received a generous bequest from the Estate of the late Bruce Henry, a long-standing and loyal member of the Society. This together with some of our own reserve funds has been invested and the interest earned enables the Society to made modest Grants to assist with Fieldwork or Original Research undertaken by GAS members.

NB Applicants must be members of Glasgow Archaeological Society and membership has to have been held for at least 6 months prior to application.

NB Grants will NOT be provided for undergraduate research in connection with obtaining a higher educational qualification in archaeology e.g. fieldwork for undergraduate dissertation research.

In recent years we have funded travel and subsistence costs for fieldwork, excavation costs, and aspects of post-excavation work.

All applications to the Society will be considered by a sub-committee of Council members chaired by the President. Applications are by email to the President ( and should include the following information.

The following information is required:

  1. Name, address and contact email of the applicant. [This will generally be an individual but may relate to the work of an organisation of which the individual is a member e.g. another archaeology society]
  2. Description of the project. This will briefly set out the aims and objectives of the research or fieldwork project and include any timescales that must be met. A clear succinct description of the project should amount to no more than 300 words.
  3. Use of grant money. This will explain the purpose for seeking a grant and clearly set out the uses to which the funds will be put if approved. Grants should be targeted to a particular aspect of a project as opposed to a general addition to global funds.
  4. List of any other organisations approached for funding and amount of moneys requested/approved.

It is an essential condition of a successful grant allocation that applicants must commit to providing a brief report to the Society on the work that was assisted by our Grant; this will be included in our newsletter, and you may be invited to speak at Members’ Night! We would also welcome any publication associated with the fieldwork to be submitted to the Scottish Archaeological Journal if appropriate.

Applications should be made to the President by 31st January each year. Notification of the outcome will be provided by the end of March and funds must be spent within one year of award. Please email with applications or queries.