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The archaeology of plastic waste, on a beach, in a museum. This display at V&A Dundee was part of the ‘Plastic: Remaking our World’ exhibition. Like all plastic waste, every object has a story and that story will always involve people. This is what also defines archaeology. (Photo: John Schofield)

Dalrymple lecture series 2023-24

The archaeology of plastic waste, on a beach, in a museum. This display at V&A Dundee was part of the ‘Plastic: Remaking our World’ exhibition. Like all plastic waste, every object has a story and that story will always involve people. This is what also defines archaeology. (Photo: John Schofield)
The archaeology of plastic waste, on a beach, in a museum. This display at V&A Dundee was part of the ‘Plastic: Remaking our World’ exhibition. Like all plastic waste, every object has a story and that story will always involve people. This is what also defines archaeology. (Photo: John Schofield)

We are delighted to announce that the Dalrymple lecture series for this academic year will be given by will be given by Professor John Schofield, Director of Studies in Cultural Heritage Management in the Archaeology Department at the University of York (UK) on 21st – 24th March 2024 at the University of Glasgow. 

The lecture series will be entitled Wicked Problems for Archaeologists: Can archaeology help us solve the world’s most urgent challenges? 

You can find out more about this historic lecture series here, and for much more detail on John’s lecture series, please visit the Dalrymple lecture website